The British Society of Interventional Radiology and The British Society for Haematology
R.Lenthall, R.Crossley, A.Clifton, P.Flynn, T.Goddard, N.McConachie, A.Mortimer, H.Nejadhamzeeigilani, A.Rennie, H.Stockley, P.White, on behalf of theUK Neurointerventional Group (UKNG)
R Lenthall, P White on behalf of the UK Neurointerventional Group (UKNG) 11/03/2022
Click here for the guidance document
Update September 2020
With regard to a consultant interventional radiologist training to provide a mechanical thrombectomy (MT) service, the RCR, the British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR), the British Society of Neuroradiologists (BSNR) and UK Neurointerventional Group (UKNG) continue to support the supplementary agreement that was published in 2017 and would advise that the following high-level requirements are in-place for any local interventional radiology (IR) training arrangement:
See link below for further details.
Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) has become the cornerstone of acute ischemic stroke management in patients with large vessel occlusion (LVO). The aim of this guideline document is to assist physicians in their clinical decisions with regard to MT.
Standards for providing safe acute ischaemic stroke thrombectomy services
Training Guidelines for Endovascular Ischemic Stroke Intervention: An International multi-society consensus document.
This document sets out standards for training in Interventional Neuroradiology (INR) in Europe.
Guidance for practitioners seeking training to participate in an acute ischaemic stroke thrombectomy service in the UK: a response to level-1 evidence of the benefit of mechanical thrombectomy for patients with acute ischaemic stroke and proven large vessel occlusion.
Objective The Pragmatic Ischaemic Thrombectomy Evaluation (PISTE) trial was a multicentre, randomised, controlled clinical trial comparing intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) alone with IVT and adjunctive intra- arterial mechanical thrombectomy (MT) in patients who had acute ischaemic stroke with large artery occlusive anterior circulation stroke confirmed on CT angiography (CTA).