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25 May 2016 (Last updated: 24 Jan 2020 17:33)

am pleased to inform you that the next Chair of the UKNG will be Dr Peter Flynn from Belfast.

Peter and his wife, Karen, will be well known to most of you. Peter has been a regular attender at our meetings for many years and strong supporter of the group. He and his colleagues have been a step ahead of most of the UK in providing a comprehensive regional mechanical thrombectomy service. He has already represented the UKNG at national stoke meetings and is strongly placed to represent the interests of UK neurointerventionists in the coming years. He has great credentials for the role being approachable and good company but used to making sometimes tough decisions as a Clinical Director. I pass over the reins after the next meeting at which we hope to see a large turn-out of trainees and Consultants at what promises to be an interesting and stimulating meeting.

I recently attended a meeting organised by the Stroke Association, who are garnering interest for a statement from stakeholders in support of their New era for stroke campaign. They have already secured around 4,500 signatures for a petition calling on the government to commit to a new stroke strategy of which mechanical thrombectomy will form a major part. If you wish to support this by signing and sharing it, please do