NICE Carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic extracranial carotid stenosis
18 January 2023
(Last updated: 18 Jan 2023 12:26)
Interventional Procedures Programme
Nominations for professional experts
Carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic extracranial carotid stenosis (IP881/2)
Dear UK Neurointerventional Group,
NICE’s Interventional Procedures Programme is looking at Carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic extracranial carotid stenosis (IP881/2). We’re inviting you to nominate professional experts to help produce the above topic.
NICE's interventional procedures programme assesses the efficacy and safety of interventional procedures used for treatment or diagnosis to determine whether they work well enough and are safe enough for use in the NHS. The programme can assess procedures that involve incision, puncture and entry into a body cavity, or that use ionising, electromagnetic or acoustic energy.
We are looking for professional experts who have knowledge of Carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic extracranial carotid stenosis. Experts assist by providing informed opinion. A role description is attached. We require professional experts to:
• be a current registered practising professional in the UK and in good professional standing
• have specialist knowledge in the technology or disease area
• declare all conflicts of interest in relation to the technology under consideration
• abide by NICE’s governance policies and comply with NICE’s processes and methods
• be a good communicator
• additional team specific requirements
Please nominate a minimum of 3 of your members who you consider suitable to act as experts for Carotid artery stent placement for asymptomatic extracranial carotid stenosis.
Whilst we need to get advice from experts who have experience of performing the procedure, to minimise bias we also request that at least one expert who has not performed the procedure, but who knows about it, is nominated.
Please email your nominations by Friday 27th January 2023 and include their full contact details.
If you would prefer us to direct requests for nominations to someone else in your organisation, please let us know.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Zöe Jones
Pronouns: she/her
Administrator – Interventional Procedures
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Level 1A | City Tower | Piccadilly Plaza | Manchester M1 4BT | United Kingdom
Tel: 0161 413 4107