BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CLINICAL INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY (CINR) COURSE UID:32 DESCRIPTION:CLINICAL INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY (CINR)COURSE\n\nMODULE 2 –ISCHAEMIC STROKE\, SEP 29- SEP 30\, 2022\n\nCourse Flyer\n\nYou are invited to a Clinical Interventional Neuro Radiology (CINR) course in Liverpool organised by The Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery.\n\nThis course is aimed at Speciality Trainees (ST)\, Fellows/Registrars in Interventional Neuroradiology. We will review high yield areas in this sub speciality. We aspire to provide the knowledge that is necessary for a strong foundation during the early years of training/practise in this complex field. The course faculty involves an entire multi-disciplinary team that are involved throughout the journey of a typical Neurovascular patient.\n\nThe numbers are limited to 25\, with 5 spaces allocated to allied health professionals including radiographers\, specialist nurses and aspiring doctors relevant to this speciality.\n\nCourse Director/organiser:\nDr A Chandran/Dr M Puthuran\nConsultant Interventional Neuroradiologist\n\nIf interested in attending please contact:\n\\n\nCourse Venue: Lecture theatre - Sid Watkins building Walton centre\, Liverpool\, L9 7LJ\n\nAccommodation: Malmaison Hotel\n7 William Jessop Way\n\nLiverpool L3 1QZ\n\nRCR CPD Points applied for.\n\n DTSTAMP:20220714T050400Z DTSTART:20220929T050600Z DTEND:20220930T050600Z LOCATION:Lecture theatre - Sid Watkins building Walton centre, Liverpool, L9 7LJ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR